Gamma Counters

Automatic Gamma Counter


Automatic gamma counter for nuclear medicine and PET

Never before has there existed a gamma counter dedicated to Nuclear Medicine and PET applications. With our onboard balance, samples can automatically be weighed and results reported as activity per mass or volume. This saves the operator valuable time and provides additional safety of correct results.

With our touchscreen operated software and application focused design we guarantee effortless work flow with results simply at your fingertip. For short lived isotopes the software automatically calculates decay corrected activities.

Sophistication for radiation protection

The 3 inch NaI crystal provides superb counting efficiency. Optimized lead shielding ensures low background and minimal interference from high active samples waiting to be counted. Hidex automatic gamma counter is also equipped with a powerful multichannel analyzer for detailed spectrum analysis. Users can enter their own calculation functions for automatic reporting of results.


  • 640 mm (Width), 700 mm (Depth) 600 mm (Height)
  • Weight: 205 kg
  • Lead shield thickness: 55 mm, but 80 mm on conveyor side.
  • 3 inch Ø NaI crystal.
  • Energy range: 15-2000 keV
  • Linear multichannel analyzer with 2048 channels.
  • Sample quantity: 250 pcs. for max. 13 mm. diameter vials and 78 pcs. for max. 28 mm diameter.
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Triathler Gamma Counter

hidex-logoTriathler is a single-sample counter, which provides fast and accurate results. Due to its very small size and light weight, Triathler can be taken into the field to measure samples on the spot.

Triathler gamma counter is ideal for small capacity nuclear medicine labs with only low sample throughput. Simple keypad operation for most common isotopes and convenient sample loading provides no hassle operation and fast results.

Portable – Flexible – Easy-to-use

  • A keypad allows single key operation for immediate results using preset protocols for any isotope.
  • Small size and weight make Triathler ideal for personal use on a benchtop or for on-the-spot field measurements
  • Optional Commfiler CSV software provides instrument control and analysis tools with easy reporting templates compatible with Excel™ environment.

Triathler gamma counter is ideal for nuclear medicine applications like I-125 radio immunoassays or Cr-51.


  • Sample types: LSC vials, Microtubes, Test Tubes
  • Detector: Single-Photon Counting PMT
  • Display: 2 x 16 character alpha-numeric LCD
  • Energy Range: 15 keV – 1000 keV
  • Counting Time: 0.1 seconds – 99999 minutes
  • Output: RS-232C to PC or thermal printer
  • Power: 110-240V AC, 12V DC
  • Dimensions: 33 L x 25 W x 19 H cm
  • Weight: 9 kg

Gamma Counting:

  • Detector: 32 x 32 mm NaI (Tl) crystal (through-hole)
  • Sample size: Tubes or Vials (up to 13 mm diameter)
  • Background Shield: 10 mm lead
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Triathler Becquerel Finder


Triathler Becquerel Finder is optimised for detection of radioactive isotopes in the event of a nuclear emergency

Triathler Becquerel Finder is a compact and easy to use screening instrument in case of a nuclear accident. Samples can be measured quickly and easily for the most common gamma emitters with ready made templates. The Becquerel Finder was widely in Japan after the accident in Fukushima Daiichi power plant.

The instrument is equipped with an external NaI(Tl) detector with enlarged lead shield which facilitates the use of Marinelli beakers with total sample volume of 1L. This enables rapid detection of I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 in foodstuff, water and milk.

Optionally, a standard Triathler Liquid scintillation counter can be equipped with the Triathler Becquerel finder detector. This combination provides a useful tool for detection of both alpha, beta and gamma emitters.

Beta emitter detection from water and swipe samples

Water and swipe samples can be measured easily. In emergency response Sr-90 is an important isotope. Triathler has been employed in several studies to measure Sr-90 from water, urine or nasal swab samples. When sample preparation chemistry is available, food and soil samples can also be measured.

Suitable for alpha emitter detection

Triathler LSC is also suitable for detecting alpha emitting isotopes. Triathler has been used in several publications and studies for especially Am-241 screening in an emergency setup. Triathler LSC and MLT are available with the optional alpha/beta separation that provides extremely sensitive instrument for alpha emitters. Applications vary from measurement from water to urine and even nasal swabs.

Technical data:

  • Control unit: H 190 mm, D 330 mm, W 250 mm, weight 6 kg
  • Lead shield: H 400 mm, W 240 mm, weight 105 kg
  • Power input: 12V DC, 3 A or 100 .. 240V AC, 50/60Hz
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Triathler NaI System


Single sample well counter for nuclear medicine

The Triathler NaI system is compact and economic solution for nuclear medicine departments with low sample throughput needs. The NaI system provides reliable results and convenient operation as well as possibility to customised protocols with the Hidex Control Software.

The instrument is equipped with and external 2″ NaI well type crystal detector for optimal measurement efficiency and a solid lead shielding for background reduction.

Nuclear medicine and PET

Applications may vary from measurement of peak purity in 511 keV PET isotopes or traditional nuclear medicine assays such as GFRs with Cr-51 or Tc-99. The powerful MCA can be calibrated up to 2 MeV and provides good resolution in the overall range.

Instrument is very compact and takes only small desktop space and the lead shield is optimised desing and does not need reinforced bench space.

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